Hey, This Post is the most Advanced post for termux and if you can learn it then you can do almost all sorts of things a beginer hacker should know. This is an advanced post on Metasploit. This tool is one of the most awesome things that you can use in termux so read it well.

What is Metasploit?

Metasploit contains a lot of tools that allow you to test vulnerabilities and execute attacks on another system. it is one of the most used penetration testing tools. You can basically remotely access the victim's data.

How to install Metasploit on termux?


Open the termux app and type or paste the below command to update and upgrade all the packages in the termux app.

 - pkg update && pkg upgrade

This command will update the termux so in the installation we don't get any error.


Now we will have to install some scripts and dependencies using the below command.

 - pkg install git curl wget nmap -y 

we are installing 4 packages using a single command.
git will allow us to copy the files from the GitHub repository.

Wget will get the data from web servers.
curl stands for Client URL and it will allow transferring data using various protocols.

Nmap is a network mapper it's for network discovery


Copy-paste this command and this command will Download the Metasploit in termux app.
- curl -LO raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh 

Please wait it can take some time to download.


We will use the chmod command to make the Metasploit.sh file executable.

- chmod 777 metasploit.sh

If you will type ls you can see that the Metasploit.sh file will be green now


Type this command to install Metasploit on your system.

- ./metasploit.sh

Now sit back and let the termux install the Metasploit on your Termux properly it can take a lot of time between 20-60 mins.

Just type the below command to run the Metasploit, It will take 20 to 60 Sec to open.

 - msfconsole

After opening the Metasploit it will show some type of logo and there will be M on that.

Thanks for reading.