How to Install and Use Fsociety-Tool In Termux

What is Fsociety-Tool ?

There are a lot of Hacking movies and web-series but There is a web series called Mr.Robot and it is one of the best web series because all tools used in the show are real and almost all the hacking attacks shown in the web series are real.

So in Mr.Robot, the name of there Group was Fsocity and on the GitHub, Manisso made a Framework that contains all the basic tools that we need to do penetration testing and ethical hacking. The Fsociety tool contains all types of tools and using those tools you can do Information Gathering, Password Attacks, Wireless Testing, Exploitation, Sniffing & Spoofing, Web Hacking, Private Web Hacking, Post Exploitation, and much more.

This tool is good for beginner and intermediate level of hackers, this tool will first ask you for what type of attack you want to do and when you select any attack then it will give you the best tool available for that type of attack.

Now when you have found your tool you just have to select the tool by typing its Tool number and the Tool will be automatically installed in your Termux and you will instantly able to use it.

Install Fsociety-Tool in Termux:

-pkg install python2 git -y

-git clone 

-cd fsociety


Use Fsociety-Tool in Termux:
Please Restart your Termux app.

Now, Change the directory to the Fsociety folder

-cd fsociety


The first time when you will use the Fsocity tool you will see the agreement page, here you just have to type 'y' and press Enter and the tool will start easily.

Now you will see the list of attacks you can do using Fsociety tool. Just select any attack and by Entering the number before it, you will see all the available tools for that type of attack. 

-Information Gathering
-Password Attacks
-Wireless Testing
-Exploitation Tools
-Sniffing & Spoofing
-Web Hacking
-Private Web Hacking
-Post Exploitation

Information Gathering:
-Host To IP
-CMS Scanner
-Dork - Google Dorks Passive Vulnerability Auditor
Scan A server's Users
-Password Attacks:

Wireless Testing:
-Bluetooth Honeypot
-Exploitation Tools:
-FTP Auto Bypass
-JBoss Autopwn

Sniffing & Spoofing:
-SMTP Mailer

Web Hacking:
-Drupal Hacking
-Wordpress & Joomla Scanner
-Gravity Form Scanner
-File Upload Checker
-Wordpress Exploit Scanner
-Wordpress Plugins Scanner
-Shell and Directory Finder

Now enjoy all F-society tools on Termux.

Thanks for reading.